The Divine Romance

Paramahansa Yogananda - 1986

Love cannot be had for the asking, it comes only as a gift from the heart of another. p 12

Greatest love you can experience is in communion with God in meditation. The love between the soul and Spirit is the perfect love, the love you are all seeking. p 15

Whenever you are attached to something, that possessiveness deepens your delusion. You will be rudely awakened one day to find that nothing belongs to you.... Your attitude should be that you are looking after these things only for the time being, like a housekeeper who lives in her employer’s home and devotedly, loyally, faithfully looks after it, but knows that her own home is elsewhere. p 26

This world is a terrible place; there is no safety here. But what are we to do? We must stop taking life so seriously. Delusion can be overcome by holding steadfast to one philosophy: Everything here is nothing more than God’s motion picture. We are the players. We must play our parts well, but we must not identify ourselves too intensely with the drama. Meditation shows us the way to this inner freedom.... So, though He created this dream earth, He has also shown the way to get out of it. p 26-27

If you know intellectually that life is a dream, but still have not realized it completely, and still haven’t found God either, you are neither in this world nor out of it. That is a sad state. Don’t remain trapped in that delusion. Make a supreme effort to get to God. p 27

By controlling your mind you can experience the truth that this universe is a delusion. This is why the Saints require their disciples to discipline the body and not give it too much attention. The purpose is not to torture the body, but to save the disciple from all the troubles that will beset him if he believes that comfort comes from material things. Comfort comes from the mind. Change your mental attitude and you will not feel discomfort. p25,26

....[B]y right living, right-thinking, and meditation you can race to the infinite [and] the dreams of life and death will vanish in the ever new joy of His eternal Being. Therefore meditation is a dying to the world without dying. p28

There is no excuse for being restless within.... And if you want to wake up from this cosmic dream world, you must practice calmness, no matter what happens. As soon as your mind becomes restless, give it a whack with your will and order it to be calm. Don’t make a fuss about anything. Whenever you worry, remember, you are deepening the cosmic delusion within you. p29

In the Sunday meetings I have perhaps told you more than you would ever learn elsewhere in a lifetime. By coming to these services you will know how the chords of delusion can be broken.... Each human being has to apply his own individual effort to get back to God. Anyone who tells you otherwise is not speaking the truth. God can help you, guru can help you, but only if you yourself are making the effort to find God.... Give your soul to God. Then you will see that your life - every minute of it - becomes a magic existence. p32

Truth is always wholesome; fact can sometimes be harmful. However true it may be, a fact that goes against good is only a fact, it is not truth. p38

Learn also to be unselfish. To find happiness in making others happy is the true goal of one who loves God. p39

The individual who lives all the time in an undisciplined manner is constantly filled with restlessness and worries.... Man’s outer behavior reflects his inner life. External luxuries cannot make the soul happy, it is only by control of one’s life that the soul experiences happiness and peace.... So practice self-control. If you don’t, you will find yourself constantly carried away on the waves of emotion. p40

[G]reater than a million reasonings of the mind is to sit and meditate upon God until you feel calmness within. p42

Even if life gave you at one time everything you wanted - wealth, power, friends - after a while you would again become dissatisfied and need something more. But there is one thing that can never become stale to you - joy itself.... Then why not seek joy directly? Why seek it through the intermediary of material pleasures and objects? p44

Material objects that give pleasure remain outside the mind. They, and the gratification they give, gain entry into the mind only through imagination. Joy, by its very nature - being a blissful consciousness of spirit in man’s soul - lives closest to the mind, and is born in it when the mind is inwardly tuned. p45

Every time you meditate deeply on God, beneficial changes take place in the patterns of your brain.... Through deep meditation, affirming, “I and my Father are one,” you will know that you are the child of God. Hold on to that ideal. Meditate until you feel a great joy. When joy strikes your heart, God has answered your broadcast to Him.... p56