To have an opinion one must overlook something    -Fort
Boyds boardBoyds board
  Neon  bu   Mom
WordNick MilShort ix
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w.list  prime  mags
drive   orders   credits
Amazon dvd     amazon music
Reddit  HNews  whoaverse
Wired mag
weather: Poway
apple trailer
YouTube    rs
most viewed
time  border=
Lib  weather  Gazette
420760238._ 3426._
sd city library   e
sd county lib lin  e
carlsbad lib
cambridge dict
merriam dict

TJ: CL   Air     meet-myup    PowayMovies     stitcher     nfl       |   tennis: msgs   scores - InOut
  crono     LandsEnd       <i> </i>     <b> </b>     <a href="" target="_blank" ></a>     <a href=""><img src=""></a>     <!--   -->


local      blogs      cashflow      computers      dvd      film      media      reference      misc saved     


daily 2

my current top 7:     conspiracy     CrowdSourcing     tennis     nfl            

craigslist, screen: SDiego     LA     Orange Co     NY     Atlanta     Chicago     Phoenix                            

g drive:     DJ's cashflow     scratch1     scratch2     scratch sheet     tennis     WhoOwesWho    

amazon drive:     photos         family album (me & Paul)        

    my ride    automotive    advice column       


movie reviews: MaryAnn    
    Reddit     conspiracy     news     nfl    

-domains: AdWeek     Aeon     The Baffler     IndieWire     the intercept     Juan Cole     kunstler     MakeZine     newslogue     PasteMagazine     Players Tribune     quartzy     Scientific American     Topic     Umair Haque     wsj    

              ArchDruid     ClubOrlov     dilbert    
Larkin: LA Weekly     Phoenix New Times     SD Reader     Tucson Weekly     WestWord     Willamette Week    

misc: fasting     FindTheOthers     FreedomEarth     LightWorkers     LucidDreaming     Meditation     MeditationPractice     Metaphysics     Raja_Yoga     spirituality    


misc:     Arwa Mahdavi (Guardian writer)     GoodReads     Human Experience podcasts     James Fadiman     NextDoor (Poway)     Peter Hessler     You Gov (polls)                

Patch: ColoSprgs     Poway     Savannah    

   YouTube         Ben Swann     nfl
  movie reviews/interviews:   WTFlick     MovieGuide     gossip & updates     DP/30 (interviews)    



temp:     TJ rentals     Richard Bach            


      Local      Daily      Online      Blogs    

To Do     toss       Outlook (local)     Seacurt.txt     TTR review    

journal overview       journal       distillari full       distillari new     quotations       clippings/misc links    PodcastNotes    
  catch phrases       packing lists       english vocab & the checklist      


misc:     my reference notes     catch phrases of note     color wheel gif        

Last Days $$$     Klutz knot book     Levenson     Mix Tapes/CDs     Audio Books / DVDs / Commentaries                

computing:     general notes       HTML color swatches   CSS syntax       HTML primer      
identify hex colors       HTML escape chars     HTML arrow chars     HTML esoteric symbols  
PHP syntax       DOS commands       fonts installed list.htm       WordPress notes      
  Macros: Excel library   Excel txt   Word txt

my images:     my Misc Images page       (full)    

photos:     Directory     Rs Photos     Road Trip 2009     Redwoods 2006            


diet:     my recipes    raw recipes     green smoothies     my raw links page     my zone recipes           

writing:     Tips   for Inspiration       20 Master Plots     45 Master Characters     Killer Fiction
Beat Sheet       Save the Cat       Writer as Shaman      Storytelling rules (Pixar)      
run write: 97-99   current        


Spanish:   words    phrases      movie dialogue      spanish wikipedia         

backups:     Laptop file archive - 071308     Blog file archive            












TV / FILM      Daily

CH 131         Hulu         TV Duck         Project Free TV     old         Wanna Watch         2K

ABC     CBS     FOX     NBC    

Blinkx         Clicker         FanCast         WatchTV         TVpc

NOVA (PBS)         Nature (PBS)                        

live steams: ConnectCast    StreamUp    VaughnLive    Veetle   

CanIStreamIt?         tv guide   





 Discover  Mastercard Visa
BOA Discover GM Card Chase/Slate/Amazon
  Citi cards (Costco /Simplicity/ThankYou
Citi credit score
US Bank
Allstate  paypal (Chrome)  Sears  
Best Buy / Citi (Chrome)      








    ACIM in plain language    holy men     various readings     check out these YouTubes            


    LawOfOne   speeches                  


James Gilliland     Project Camelot     Griffin's sites:  FFI     RealityZone     Jordan Maxwell    

    Ish Think     New Civ                


Dawn Griffin:   website: .com   .net     blog 2014 (unboxed)     YouTube     old blog (hubpages)     old blogspot     fav msg board    


Wayseer / WeAreFromTheFuture / Garret LoPorto:   poster site     YouTube     Upriser     ConnectionChallenge     my Garret page

micro payments     1   2   3   4          




Networking:         Tribes            














      r larkin      Daily      Online      Local    

Site Development:         (local):     premise   summary   glossary   preface   foreword   1   2   3      

                                                                              (online):     preface   foreword   1   2   3

Prime Sites:             Facebook    GoodReads    Pinterest    Reddit    StumbleUpon     Twitter                   



Investigate:             BoxNutt     DailyDot     GentleMint     ManTeresting     Mashable     MemePix     PinWords     Squidoo     TweetMeme     wtfPinterest?     TheSpiritScience                        

Share / Publicize?

A blog for mystics     Changing Minds                    












      Blogs      Daily      Online      Local    

CurSeek (WP local)    log-in                  for testing (     log-in

Distillari (WP local)    log-in                        Distillari (WP web)     log-in

Bandon Helper (WP local)    log-in                               Bandon Helper (WP web)     log-in

XAMPP: Local Host     PHP My Admin     localhost:80/php_info.php         Test/Sandbox    log-in      FAQs

Rick Tumblr: rlarkin1010  log-in      r1010-sandbox  log-in      birdsgonewild  log-in      upload   

Rick webmaster Susan: animals  edit      people  edit      upload    acct info

Scripting / Coding:    w3 schools        

Blog Project links page(local)       Blog Project links (web)

Wordpress:     codex     template tags     WP Planet     optimize WP     opt WP for speed     WP versions    

Misc:     GoStats     imgur     Google webmaster tools     Disqus commenting     StatMyWeb     Amazon affiliates    

    tumblr spotlight Neil Kramer     Colin     Scott Adams     |||   freeman     YouTube   tv   blogspot   oracle show   |||     KKelly     Pavlina     RealitySandwich /    

            AskDave     gr smoothie girl     K Kelly's writings     Kunstler     Hedges     MetaHistory     Rigorous Intuition     Dr Deagle    

            cryptogon   his NZ farm     RSD     Squibs     Naomi Wolf     Joe Rogan   (JRE list)    

Daniel's China sites: YMC blog     YMC instagram     Fetch China     clothes (parked as of Aug 2014)    

            Check these out: Evolution Shift     innovation     innovation 2     science & tech guy blog (digital lifeboat post)     Shane Snow    

                        Virginia Postrel     signal to noise     Batelle: search, info    



















      Online      Daily      Local      Blogs    

links       Journals overview       Journals       rdistillari index (web)                        

my Misc Images page       (full)    

HTML Primer    HTML Colors     CSS syntax       PHP syntax       DOS commands       Macros text          

Klutz knot book            


Diet:     my recipes    raw            


Google Drive files:     scratch     movie grosses     tennis tracking     Who Owes Who        

Misc:     my Misc Images page   (full)     Mix Tapes/CDs     my vimeo channel        

Redwoods 2006     Last Days $$$            

Photos:     Road Trip 2009                    

Backups:     Laptop file archive - 071308     Blog file archive                        





















Main:     weather    

Misc:     mayor's blog     CoffeeBreak     computer class schedule     Playhouse theater     friends of library    

    Unity of Bandon     Peace Rocks  video  video’s producer    








Misc:     InstaPaper     MySpace     Variety     Astronomy pic of day     ComputorEdge     Wired News     mac     Wiretap     moveon    

WSJ - Mossberg     Yahoo new tech blog     AdAge TV spots   

cheezburger     iHasHotDog     a reddit for pics     Oracle    


Electronic ads:     weekly ad aggregator     Best Buy     Office Depot     Staples     Frys            

    DialIdol         FedEx / Kinkos        

Social Media:     Twitter:   Richard Kelly                

    Facebook:   Brandon Griffin's company            







tmobile     Skype     Fed Ex Office        
LandsEnd sales     TLC magazine    


Misc:     Gaviotas     Matthew msgs     David Wilcock     Roots Factory    

YouTube channels:     Red Ice     Red Letter Media    

big picture (     Pogue     Myst Galaxy     Butterfly Hill     Organica     Disclosure Proj.        


Popular Science     Rainbow     Fire the Grid     Sea2Sea Trail     Ken Wilber     straight dope    








Libraries:     all libraries     SDSU     UCSD     USD     OverDrive    
Boulder / Broomfield     Coos County  22881001608618
    Denver     Erie     Lafayette     Longmont     Westminster    
sd city library     sd county lib     circuit     links+     Coronado     carlsbad lib
    escondido lib

Dictionaries:     Cambridge     M-W     check multiple dictionaries     obscure     grammar     Quotes     Spanish        

Misc 1:     Bike Trails!     free campgrounds   2     OR rainfall/precipitation     zip codes     area codes     SD surf report     2            

Misc 2:     wildfire reports     future email reminders   just send an email to from -2012@yah...   

Misc 3:     Earth Clinic     poway movies        

Misc 4:     gutenberg project     NovelGuide     Cliff Notes     Spark Notes (cluttered)     Barnes&Noble            


Misc 5:     meme wiki     Medicare            


Maps:     Yahoo Maps     MapQuest                    










Search Engines

        clusty         blekko     dogpile     cover flow style     domain names (instant)     song lyrics 1     2     3     4    

Reddit directory   #2    

Start     Google scraper         DMOZ     Blogdex     Eaton (blogs)     Libri (books)            

      On google- search specific site: search_term site:URL       search about a specific site: inurl:site_address

Imagess:     Flickr cc     Flickr     animated gifs     Blinkx (video)        

librarian's internet     Internet Public Library            


WDTM? (idioms)                










Computers / Web      Daily

Quick Links:     domain search     Site down?     speed     my ip     location by IP     whois     WayBack     GoStats     tiny url     GooglePlay  

my hosting/domains:     NameCheap     nfs: login     mocha : knowledgebase & tutorials       angelfire   log-in   help          

ISP Speed Testing:     Toast (ISP speed)     SpeakEasy (ISP speed)     SpeedTest    

ISP Browser rendering testing:     browser shots     browser shots IE     Adobe's browser testing        

Misc Testing:     what is my ip?     site speed 1     site speed 2     Site just down for me?     blog working?    

Domains, whois, etc:     domain search     whois   location by IP                

IT Pro misc:     Google webmaster tools GoStats     web stats checker     pages inventory     password generator     JavaScript kit     Developers tools     google webfonts (Chrome)     AHrefs seo analysis    

Templates:     OS web design     open web design            

CSS:     identify hex colors     blank templates     40 templates with same layout     design/tips        

Flash:     Flash commercials producer            

Software:     Acad Superstore     JourneyEdu     Notepad++ wiki     BuysUSA            

Misc:     10 2 20     convert to ico     torrent trackers     WebMaster World     5,000 resources     text/txt via computer     look up cell number carrier        

STAMP:     STAMP wikipedia     tutorials     many links     projects                

Search specific site on google: site:URL search_term    









Page Ranks / Web

Nov 2008
digg               281 / 284,627
mahalo           1,939 /   3,539
w3schools        2,127 /  14,396
coasttocoast     6,142 /   1,895
reddit           6,988 / 111,493
dilbert         23,123 /   5,263
earthclinic     32,484 /     426
stevepavlina    36,209 /   3,640          79,438 /   3,314      82,438 /     164
kunstler       116,614 /     610
rsandwich      123,155 /     398
matt           252,685 /     130
discloproj     254,897 /     698       361,066 /   5,221
grsmoothiegirl 521,871 /      28
metahistory    834,642 /      97
freeman      1,010,218 /      49
cleaver      1,393,522 /      38
Dec 2008
seekingalpha        2,689 /   5,041
mashable            6,695 /  15,105
askdavetaylor      10,933 /   1,056       11,022 /  10,323
urbansurvival      28,898 /     219
bookmooch          30,442 /   1,032
...rsd...blogspot 129,410 /      75
                  138,283 /     129
ScottHYoung       143,352 /     526
...rsd...         155,112 /     123    300,703/      31
freedompressonline 5.1 mil/      31
freeman           972,688 /      49
aboundlessworld   5.2 mil /     n/a

Jan 2009
cheezburger           3,883 /   7,686         28,782 /   3,927
      (@$30k month)        19.2 mil /   5,041

May/Jul 2012
reddit                  121 /   649,318
digg                    181 / 1,106,339
cheezburger           3,267 /    17,640
dilbert               4,701 /    12,759
coasttocoast          7,751 /     5.034
imgur                    70 /    70,011
stevepavlina          8,190 /     8,210
rsandwich            45,810 /     3,172
shiftfrequency      122,184 /       369
grsmoothiegirl      165,423 /       514
maxbarry          1,238,696 /       380
metahistory       1,345,605 /       449
                 11,887,077 /        37


Google Reader Feed #s - Dec 2011
Barry Eisler            51
Big Picture        685,965
CF Nation            1,914
Chris Hedges         1,381
Cryptogon            1,650
Dilbert             13,326
Dvorak               1,081
Freeman Perspective     87
GreenSmoothieGirl      141
J Konrath            5,485
Longform             3,114
Longreads            3,995
McQuestionable           7
NWO Intel Briefing      27
Pogue               12,987
Web of Debt            587















Newspapers:   |   Union Tribune  class   |   Reader   stringers  rlarkin    nbsp; movies   |   North County Times class     Mt. Shasta News     Denver Post     scm            

TV:     CH 131     clicker            

Streams:     1            

Misc:     Cowboys & Indians magazine     Red Ice Creations            

Radio/Podcasts:     Ground 0     Joe Rogan            

YouTube channels:     parodies (from lmr)     Wigs (women centered scripted dramas)     Gloria Nava (humorous beauty how-tos (from lmr)        














Viewing:     TCM monthly sched     atomfilms Rolling Stone mag videos     Yahoo music videos     One Minute Films     free documentaries     free docs 2     guide to best net videos               

Reviewing:     Movie Spoiler     Ebert/Siskel/Roeper reviews      archives   sample(yymmdd)     Pajiba reviews   

Trailers:     Apple    JoBlo   Yahoo    Movie-Trailers    FocusFeatures    VideoDetective    Movie-Page           

Misc:     TCM Essentials         Webring    BoxOfficeMojo     Deadline            


B O:     TheNumbers     Variety    dvd sales        

Hollywood Stock Exchange:     latest boxoffice     opening this week     future releases     all stocks     blog        























SDFilmmakers:     home     Vimeo channel     facebook     twitter     Media Arts Center / Digital Gym        

Networking:     SoCal Moviemakers     NCounty Videomakers: Vimeo        
CreativeCOW support network     zoetrope     triggerstreet     DVXuser     IndieTalk            

Guides/Magazines:     Moviemaker magazine     digital juice     Michael Wiese - budgets etc     NoFilmSchool        

Tutorials:     Vid Copilot     AE tutorials & articles   AE 2     many tutorial articles (bandwidth denial 06-2012)        

Software:     5Sprockets - online Prod software     Gorilla Film Prod Software            

PreProduction:     Casting: #1   #2   #3     like for vid production            

Production:     Groovy/Movie     Stu Segall     Poway SunWord studio (broken link 06-2012)        

Canon camera Equipment:     Video Gear     DV info            

PostProduction:     CineScore - royalty free, professional soundtrack creation     digital editing     Premiere edit tools diagram     free music loops     stock footage: Videezy     Pond5     VideoHive    

Film Festivals:     DVX online film festivals     film festivals     submitting to festivals            

Misc:     my steadicam     google check back: low budget film shooting in Denver fall 2009     Go Animate                

Review & delete?     Kane Filmscharacter animation     Gorilla software                    







Internet Shorts - Notables





Filmmaking saved links      Daily

2014:     BAMMO / Weapons of Mass Production - equip reviews     list of web series (wikipedia)     Corridor Digital (action/guns/fx) ytube     Sam Gorski & Niko Pueringer of Corridor Digital ytube     Wong Fu (relationships) ytube     Freddie Wong and Brandon Laatsch (RocketJump action/guns/fx) ytube     Surface Studio (fx tutorials) ytube     Wolfs Offroad, micro budget filmmaker sharing tips ytube     Writing Room - "songwriters writing" show - ytube     Lets make a movie (pitches)     Next Time on Lonny     SoundCloud - music & audio creators     Creative Cow - peer to peer support for media professionals                            
2010:     SD Prod company shooting feature Sept_2010            











Purchase / Rentals:     netflix Redbox     GreenCine (Netflix competitor)     Can I Stream It?            

Reviews:     dvd extras: 1     2             movie spoilers            

Commentaries:     Vrexcls msg board compilation     list of Vrexcls' commentaries     rate commentaries     condensed commentaries            


Misc:     open subtitles     coming soon     easter eggs     DVD Talk     DVD Times     dvd sales    


Ripping & Authoring:     DVD help     DVD authoring info     online printing service $8 & less     guide to authoring guides     Riphelp     DVD digest (ripping & copying help)        













Resources:     name generator     baby names    


Writing Screenplays:     WordPlayer (Rossio/Elliot)     breaking into screenwriting     ScriptFrenzy            

Analyzing/Polishing Screenplays:     analyst: Maggie     keepwriting coach/analyst        

Marketing:     Inktip     scriptpimp                

Networking:     Reader's Room     for pay version of Zoe            


Misc:     zoetrope NaNoWriMo        

Writing on the web:                

Online & Print magazines:     Screenwriter     Writer's Monthly            

Tips, Tricks, Guidance:     Adventurous Writer     WriteAholics     tropes wiki        

Writer's sites:     Scott Turow     Martha Lawrence     Lisa Gardner   - mystery                    










Reading:     imsdb     JoBlo  (many recent)     Simply Scripts     Script-o-rama    
Weekly Script     Dailyscript     Landing Pad     ams    
no longer?: movie-page     My PDF     my local list of what's on the web    



Misc:     ScreenTalk magazine     Script Secrets     Hollywood Lit Sales contest winning writer's page     Script Contests     column by Zoe'r     Webring    






















Disclosure Project       Icke       Paranoia magazine       conspiracies /       XA12       MayanMajix      

many YouTube vids       above top secret       DProgram       C2C forum     MonTalk                  















Misc saved links      Daily

zmm info

2018:     WhatMean? (Sorcha Faal disinfo(?), moved out of my temp row     wsj: TRF- Diet Strategy That Counts Time, Not Calories     Jaylen Brown's YouTube     All Thumbs DIY     Aboriginal man (Bossy Ducharme) goes back to his dietary roots     Dr Cat Saunders     Heartwood                                        





monitor these

Chris Arnade: The Atlantic   The Guardian   Medium   "Living the Meme" at NewStatesMan            





my reviews:    jigsaw    Office 2010    Threonate    zmm               

all zmm reviews (last read Aug 29, 2013)

Mar 18, 2017     #1,518     37 of 55 +     #4,777,486
Dec 16, 2016     #1,388     37 of 55 +     #3,878,831
Apr 30, 2016     #1,388     37 of 52 +     #1,833,614
Sep 30, 2015     #1,283     29 of 39 +     #1,138,091
Jan 30, 2015     #1,111     21 of 24 +     #604,256
Jan 10, 2015     #1,102     19 of 21 +     #921,982
Oct 20, 2014     #1,053     07 of 09 +     #2,472,497
Sep 26, 2014     #1,038     05 of 07 +     #2,824,563

good reviewers:

Steve Ramm




Reddit Users:     OneStab  Kent4jmj  TenLiverLips  SkullMonkeys       

Tumblrs:     how may we hate you?     2013 year in review                    

YouTube:     Tragedy & Hope                

Treatment:     SDiego support     JPhelps bipolar info     FHead clinic                    

Salvia:     SD World     Arena EB     live plants: 1   2   growing info     Brett's Mom's blog     SD Center     Distribution Project     Salvia Galaxy        

S Road: TOR: Silk Road    SanBanColor5519 Om%gA312eEe    Bit Instant     Gwern (wrote about SilkRoad)    





Filmmaking:     distributor seeking finished films (Aug 2009, craigslist)     San Diego filmmaker - Ashland OR feature shoot (Sep 2009)     walkie talkie headset     BigBearLake festival - Sept            




Boyd:     YouTube    videos    reddit    twitter    AbleMinds board     Flash     DVD seller - Boyd's customer                

2017:     Life Extension - online blood tests     to find clinical drug research studies     Ever Widening Circles     Pagosa Springs Med MJ clinic (grows all their own, has a backstory)    




2016:     psychic Shama     420 mj pot Colo Spring superstore catalog w/prices     So Cal Herbal Remedies (I ordered kratom here - search on "speciosa") [use Chrome]     Online Metals (will call in Los Angeles) - I ordered aluminum plate here     Tibetan tattoo artist/singer (Janine)     Daiso: Japanese "dollar" store     sound healer, Shannon is into him July 2016     giant bubble wiki     kriya yoga series (youtube)     Dr Wilson, nutritional balancing, 9 cups of cooked veges per day     Atlas Obscura (offbeat articles)     Karla Bonoff shows (her website)    




2015:     Seen.Is (possible Facebook alternative)     Heart IQ - Shannon into this 2014/2015     Solutions+ -. Amazon software vendor     Bandon library wordpress site     Bandon ShowCase     Janeen & Duraka help feed them     Next Door (community msg boards)     Who Owes Who (sjb)     modern seinfeld today     swap meet streaming boxes: TVStreamBox; also: ThorStreamHD     $1,000,000 million dollar bill    




2014:     Steve Spangler science experiments     BiPolar or Waking Up?     Bandon mayor's blog     car living     Christian Post     mobile auto mechanic (Mira Mesa)     Willits intentional community     floating massage - Ali Taghavi, Vista CA     Weebly - drag and drop website creation / design     Poway farmer's market green smoothies guy     City Data & msg boards (from Lindsey)     AirWaterIce (Shannon bought her reverse osmosis unit here     computer and tech info sharing message board     one dollar stock photos     find icons and icos     seniors helping seniors     emergency air supply - scam company?     emergency air supply $300     Wind River Media - video production company shooting phone ad at Lake Murray     Sprouts survey site     up and coming music talent, with local page     20" 3 speed folding adult tricycle/trike WalMart     Eric Andersen     SRF - Yogananda     weight watchers calculator     3D printing online software     Help Exchange (work for food/accomodations)     bike/bicycle gear ratio calculator     Poway Secret Service     Poway Secret Service on Vimeo     Tucanos - all you can eat restaurant     True Hope video     Kevin Foster Cox - San Diego journalist and wannabe novelist     EMPower Plus Q96 Team Quan     Mark Passio - What On Earth Is Happening     dvd fan commentaries     Teh Paradox (download dvd commentaries)     American Ninja wiki     drag and drop wordpress site creation     Michael Mooney - alternative health info     iCracked - good Apple device repair tutorials     dream prognostication     Mimosa Root Bark (on Amazon)     Periogen dental rinse for plaque     list of iOS devices     web hosting reviews     fake name & info generator     Heard (badged commenting)     Jim Harrison's facebook page     reddit commenting syntax markup     tabs for windows explorer     Path to Perfect Health - Janeen & Daraka go to her     Philosophical Library     A24 films     Theranos - blood testing     unique photo gear     tutorials (not free)     PF Kluge's website     "Salesman" - a film in progress     Tiny Letter - email service     custom built toy haulers/trailers     PlayOn online watching streaming service    




2013:     oil candle inserts - ($4 each part#GWT4 also a glass candle part#GC8)     La Jolla Farmers Market - Open Air Market     bulletproof - upgraded - Asprey     Venissimo cheese place     Jason may get tablet from Union Supply     G5 vaporizer replacement heating chamber     wonderbox thermal cooker     Touch Drawing (via Dawn)     ordered supplements for Mom from this place, 07-10-2013     Book TV     Time Hunters (vimeo channel)     Mother Teresa expose     Clean program - left off reading here     NetFlix search engine     john jeremiah sullivan 1     John Jeremiah Sullivan 2    hearing aid leash 1     hearing aid leash 2     Shannon's Sedona method coach Ben Drake's SkyDrive good Vine compilations channel     Valley Flora Farm - Oregon     expose on Mother Teresa     Veteran Benefits EcoEgoEros columns by Tam Hunt     Graham Hancock     an ACIM site    




2012:     Goat Walking book     Mysteries of the Mind     Novel in a month     Eyes for Lies     Leslie Flint - medium     Million short search engine     Becky Walsh, intuitive     TOR: deep web wiki     Dreamacchine (strobe)     Some RA/Vegan links blog with lots of vegan links   Vegan & Gluten free blog     Erowid experiences     trivia library     musings on Michael Crichton     3 day novel contest     timelapse photography forum     Gwyneth Paltrow's blog type site     ocean tides    
Study guides: Cliff Notes     Spark Notes (cluttered)     book notes     Pink Monkey (not very good)     Shmoop     Grade Saver    
Computer classes - Aero Drive     SJB's essential oils site     essential oils reference     Buddha teachings and "dark night of the soul"     last sentence in many novels (tumblr)     PopURLspopurls    RFD tv     old versions of software     free foreign language learning site     tabs for MS Office     Changing Minds     pueblo neon alley project     SubtlePatterns     english difficulties     song meanings     my free test website     lightning super fast wordpress cache / redis     Lavender Lady - Bandon     advanced yoga practices     around the world bike touring: 01     02     know your meme     good site for equip manuals     Zediva – biz that “rented” dvds and movies online – sued, website down 2012     Tom Selleck - Jesse Stone films - wikipedia     from Bud B: The Voice for Love     ophcrack (for busting wintel passwords)     great photos for download/wallpaper     whippets 24 for $10     Plant Therapy Essential Oils     back country recumbent cycles (OR)     CIS (Continuous Ink Systems - inkjet tanks) CIS for Canon     9-11 conspiracy fiction film: Operation Terror (2012)     sjb aromatherapy school Encinitas     Shannon - Arvari remote viewing tech     acupuncture clinic where Lindsey volunteers     CureTogether: crowd sourced healing method recommendations     Peter Sterling (angels, harp)   his myspace/blog     really really free market     San Diego free market     Warren W. into: Rikka Zimmerman     Taking It Global     teeth snap on smile     Wiring the brain blog     disability / social security forum     San Diego - 420 pot marijuana     MoodScope mood tracking     Ting cell phone provider     Zoosk facefook for dating     Titan Pad – site for collaborating on a document     great electronic tutorials & projects     BitPay- bitcoin business solutions     online video marketing     Rolling Jubilee – debt forgiveness by donation     good yoga videos     sjb recommended practioner     online flow chart program     web surfers data gathering firm     Breaking Bad, Wire style     Josie Brandow’s blog        




2011:     Point One water filter     visit Jason application     Tow Behind Tubes / JavaScript magnifier     SMASH movie Facebook page     Bulletproof plug-in for WPress     Exodus Urgen Care Recovery - Escondido     Warren Windau site   Warren login   Warren control panel Financial Survival YouTube channel     Facebook privacy over time chart     Exodus Recover - Escondido     Spain - video that looks like HDR     Quora - answers to tech questions     acct firm Shannon works for     possible Shannon's first client     OB "Ocean Beach" Rag     Link TV     View Change - documentaries     shrooms - magic mushrooms     shroom tek     Sears shop vac manual     Zeta server status - #4     thermal fuses     when parents txt     moon phase calendar     Boom Underground (blog)     Gaviotas     Semco     Made in Heaven     C2C Canadian station 30 day archive     Shannon's twitter     Center for Cognition & Consciousness     San Diego bike map     url trick for seeing many reddits at once     name history and analyzer     RSS feed search engine     BiPolar magazine     permaculture guy     mlm that Kenny joined     Ask a Patient (prescrip drug experiences)     rss fed torrents     Democratic Underground discussion board     history podcasts     TorrentButler     BitSnoop Torrents     Movie Quotes - insults, cheesiest, etc     GA division Diazyme     Oct, Ron tells me about: Mary Summer Rain and a book called Let's Play Doctor     12 string guitar tuner     Extraterrestrial Earth Mission - Savizar and Silarra     book recommendations     virals, shorts     had Survivor 2010 bootlist early     iSpeakGlobal     distributed social networks     e books     Indian low priced tablet     Derby razor blades     Facebook competitor     FlashYourShorts: Facebook page   old blog     Welles juice press     Herzog/Lynch movie filmed in San Diego     moving photos - animated gifs     print blank music staffs     Rockwell VersaSaw power saw     Ninja blender/food processor     Pirate My Film - crowdfunding films     no fee fundraising    




2010:     TV duck     Cam Studio     Russo/Jones talk     animated doodle comics blog     expanding consciousness board     awakening in the dream     bipolar blog     sourdough info     portable desalination    
Thom Mulligan   Mulligan’s/SJB mercantile rep's movie: Callous     1000 years of war in 5 minutes     private underground bunker homes     Marty "Got Milk?" Martin's old site   Marty's new site?     Boeing plane made in 2 minutes     crowdfunding #1     crowdfunding #2     reddit/sandbox     my reddit conspiracy post     build a machine which can make 3d plastic parts     grape growing   grape pruning     free sourdough starter     Facebook: block apps     Ruppert's CollapseNet     Greg Bloyd?     Facebook privacy     anti vaccines site     Wade Varney's site     TOR - anonymous web connecting     So Cal Photog FB page     Office Depot has thermal book binders by this company     Spirit Masters Toastmasters in SD     Lowell Nile's film "Little Lionel Little"     Diaspora: Facebook competitor - crowd funded     WorkBookProject (for creatives in digital age)     cgi girls     SportsForce (student athlete video service - via Ken Heshler)     Open Indie (open source film distribution)     Think Outside the Box Office (book)    




2009:     Life simulation using JavaScript     CEC Inc.     Option Institute     gutenberg project     Abraham- Hicks     efficient products     Lindsey's theatre times: old  new     ET Wanderer     nyt's hot spot locator     bidet     data graphing/viz     hostel hotel SD CA     Think Geek catalog     Harbor Freight     Gemplers (farm tools)     Dynamism catalog (electronics) silent mouse    McMaster-Carr     sjb's first wordpress blog     Lyme & salt     Reaper - $50 audio software     love seat cover instructions     calling card, USA plan, 1.9 cents, 80 cents pay phone, 3 minute rounding     1 Wordpress install, 2 blogs     homeless blogger     free animated gif maker     free Photoshop type program     Brian & Tammy Brandow's blog     Firefox Extensions     Tech blogger     bugmenot     on serialization     succeed socially     free audio books     bike touring world     Warm Showers for touring bikers     raw family     Clue Train manifesto     Howard Zinn animation     Wired on wikipedia     Dave Griffin     48 hr film challenge winners     Tomasz Dziubinski Photography     Matt Mellor's friend (filmmaker)     paddleball 1     koosh balls     BookMooch     crock pot recipes blog     Vegan/Vengeance recipes     Paul's tech school     blogs about wordpress     Flowing Data     wordle: word mapping     movie revenue stream graphic     lol fed     lol speak     all experts     ChangeThis manifestos     bad science     oxo (kitchen)     oxo (amazon)     bart killing by cop     online image editor     yelp - reviews     guide to video online     wild food gathering     spiritual film fest in LA     arts school in North Park     citizens vote on ideas     50 php tools     50 css tools     ipod touch >>> iphone     San Diego contra dancing     hack ipod touch     Vivienne Perkins     PUA blog     Edge - questions, ideas, thinkers     HV founder's healthy eating site     Mystery PUA site/forum     speed bumps     independent booksellers group     list of book printers     white noise     real yellow pages     Butch Brandow's solar website     unpublished & bootlegged books     Happy Science - master Ryuho Okawa     fan fiction    jan stein's journal    pdf me not (view in browser)     create graphic boxes     Fantastic HDR pics     iphone app reviews     Biochemical Emotional Healing center     Denis Dutton     restaurant calorie counter     web hosting - pay per use     HAARP     HAARP 2     HAARP graph     Still Photog on Diner for Two     picture storage/display (2 gig free)     Metacafe  top earners     sleep headband, wakes you during most restful part of cycle     iPhone/iTouch how to     good web designer (in Denver) did this site     Hollyhock - Canadian retreat center     Linda Hayson's coffee shop     ink cartridges, 2 black, 1 each of color for $50     New Times     Bandon ISPs     bike motor     Castaneda reader recommends this site     unsecured lending     Cameron Crowe     Stupendous trailer     Stupendous blog     Diner for Two blog     slide show program that Bret uses     he transferred my Super 8 to avi/dvd     TV show tickets     background textures     Diamond Margarite: lawn grass groundcover substitute seen at Kobey's swap meet, Feb 2009; walk on, drive on, no mowing    




1   2   3   4   5   6   7  








  Food 4 Thought

            Long Now     MetaHistory   archons    Cat Saunders    

            NDEs:     research foundation                            




















check out these links when you have time

FreeDomain YouTube channel         humorous blog?     Daily Motion     Amador sand art video     Raw for 30 days movie     R. Young, San Diego area alkaline diet promoter blog     Existential primer     movie shot with DV     smart mobs     Strand web movie     die (found from commenter's blogroll link on Kunstler's page     LoveHaight (from YouTube video on Obama zombies     conspiracy forum?         blog about The Wire     Pavlina forum: blogs     48 hour film contest     salvia & Brett     ambitious short film in production for one year - June 2010     There Goes (?)     - "Next American Civil War" by Harris     - "The Blueprint" (Obama Subvert)     - "Obama Zombies" book     -7-7-1977: Maitreya     Model Mayham/photo ("My Mom Rocks" shirt)     Live Editing of web pages?     Dave Chappelle-What's Wrong With Hollywood                                        

PUA:     Reality Method     Media Predict                











Probation - or, To Be Added?

sd baykeeper    calendar

CO rough


Good timing cycles     void-of-course tables


New Scientist


online Business zine

virus info & myths


movies playing

Candid Camera

Daily Radar



What's Happening
















Infinite Wealth



wake up america



